World traveler,
Cassi A. Gibson is a true renaissance woman.
Your photo blog,is in my bookmarks and although I cant speak Portuguese, the pictures speak to me. Explain your inspiration?
My inspiration for the blog derives from a feeling similar to an absence and longing... the word is Saudades which is similar to nostalgia in English. The idea is that throughout my work I want to able to tell my story through this feeling (Saudades), and bring that same emotion out of my viewers. When one views my work- I intend for them to experience sensuality, listlessness, wonder, compassion, divinity, longing and curiosity. These are the makings of my experience.
You have the photo blog, the livefromthecoast.com/blog,what other things can we expect from you?
I am very happy to be contributing with livefromthecoast.com/blog, who I recently just started to contribute for. I left Uganda - East Africa 3 weeks ago today, I now reside in San Francisco... which I expect to be fairly busy fairly soon- It's a great city for art so I will flourish here, and start to experiment more with mixed media. I plan to have a photo installation and photo book published in NYC by spring/summer... and writing for an upcoming zine... more to come maybe?
Whats cool to Cassi?
Seeing, hearing and tasting the world from my eyes, ears and appetite. Life is to be savored. muita saudades...

- Cassi "ZAMBEZIA" Gibson
Born in Maputo- Mozambique and having lived all over the "3rd world" from Haiti to Indonesia to Benin and NYC, Cassi's Visas pages are translated into her photo blog.