Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dear Editor:
I'm trying to understand what possible motivation you may have had for publishing that vile cartoon depicting the shooting of the chimpanzee that went crazy. I guess you thought it would be funny to suggest that whomever was responsible for writing the Economic Recovery legislation must have the intelligence and judgment of a deranged, violent chimpanzee, and should be shot to protect the larger community. Really? Did it occur to you that this suggestion would imply a connection between President Barack Obama and the deranged chimpanzee? Did it occur to you that our President has been receiving death threats since early in his candidacy? Did it occur to you that blacks have historically been compared to various apes as a way of racist insult and mockery? Did you intend to invoke these painful themes when you printed the cartoon?
If that's not what you intended, then it was stupid and willfully ignorant of you not to connect these easily connectable dots. If it is what you intended, then you obviously wanted to be grossly provocative, racist and offensive to the sensibilities of most reasonable Americans. Either way, you should not have printed this cartoon, and the fact that you did is truly reprehensible. I can't imagine what possible justification you have for this. I've read your lame statement in response to the outrage you provoked. Shame on you for dodging the real issue and then using the letter as an opportunity to attack Rev. Sharpton. This is not about Rev. Sharpton. It's about the cartoon being blatantly racist and offensive.
I believe in freedom of speech, and you have every right to print what you want. But freedom of speech still comes with responsibilities and consequences. You are responsible for printing this cartoon, and I hope you experience some real consequences for it. I'm personally boycotting your paper and won't do any interviews with any of your reporters, and I encourage all of my colleagues in the entertainment business to do so as well. I implore your advertisers to seriously reconsider their business relationships with you as well.
You should print an apology in your paper acknowledging that this cartoon was ignorant, offensive and racist and should not have been printed.
I'm well aware of our country's history of racism and violence, but I truly believe we are better than this filth. As we attempt to rise above our difficult past and look toward a better future, we don't need the New York Post to resurrect the images of Jim Crow to deride the new administration and put black folks in our place. Please feel free to criticize and honestly evaluate our new President, but do so without the incendiary images and rhetoric.
John Legend
I'm trying to understand what possible motivation you may have had for publishing that vile cartoon depicting the shooting of the chimpanzee that went crazy. I guess you thought it would be funny to suggest that whomever was responsible for writing the Economic Recovery legislation must have the intelligence and judgment of a deranged, violent chimpanzee, and should be shot to protect the larger community. Really? Did it occur to you that this suggestion would imply a connection between President Barack Obama and the deranged chimpanzee? Did it occur to you that our President has been receiving death threats since early in his candidacy? Did it occur to you that blacks have historically been compared to various apes as a way of racist insult and mockery? Did you intend to invoke these painful themes when you printed the cartoon?
If that's not what you intended, then it was stupid and willfully ignorant of you not to connect these easily connectable dots. If it is what you intended, then you obviously wanted to be grossly provocative, racist and offensive to the sensibilities of most reasonable Americans. Either way, you should not have printed this cartoon, and the fact that you did is truly reprehensible. I can't imagine what possible justification you have for this. I've read your lame statement in response to the outrage you provoked. Shame on you for dodging the real issue and then using the letter as an opportunity to attack Rev. Sharpton. This is not about Rev. Sharpton. It's about the cartoon being blatantly racist and offensive.
I believe in freedom of speech, and you have every right to print what you want. But freedom of speech still comes with responsibilities and consequences. You are responsible for printing this cartoon, and I hope you experience some real consequences for it. I'm personally boycotting your paper and won't do any interviews with any of your reporters, and I encourage all of my colleagues in the entertainment business to do so as well. I implore your advertisers to seriously reconsider their business relationships with you as well.
You should print an apology in your paper acknowledging that this cartoon was ignorant, offensive and racist and should not have been printed.
I'm well aware of our country's history of racism and violence, but I truly believe we are better than this filth. As we attempt to rise above our difficult past and look toward a better future, we don't need the New York Post to resurrect the images of Jim Crow to deride the new administration and put black folks in our place. Please feel free to criticize and honestly evaluate our new President, but do so without the incendiary images and rhetoric.
John Legend
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Renaissance Man.

Been a fan of this man since around 2006.
taste maker.
fashion aficionado and connoisseur.
The homie Dope Boy C is a renaissance man.
Night of the living dope and The dope supremacy have the streets buzzing about you, but you've been paying your dues, explain the arrival of *CurT@!n$*...:artist.
taste maker.
fashion aficionado and connoisseur.
The homie Dope Boy C is a renaissance man.
This is the re-introduction period right now. I been in the game for bout 10 years now, i'm only 24, so I was a young'n puttin in work in this industry. I had a record deal since I was 17, so I learned some valuable lessons in this game very young. Right now i'm just applying those lessons learned. Signed to myself so the pressure is crazy but we doin aiit so far.
You took a little hiatus, but now youre back with- in my opinion one of the best mixtape's of the year- explain the lay off?
Politics as usual. When you are signed to a company you gotta deal with paperwork and litigation. After the hassle was over, I kinda just stepped back and tried to analyze my life and see what was going on and if I was on the right path. Sometimes you need to take a breather and take a step back, that made me refocus and restrategize. Now everything is better than ever
How do you feel about being thrust into the hipster rapper genre?
I knew it was coming. People like to place labels on things to feel comfortable, i'm not really into placing labels or boxing in things. What I do is hip-hop! its raw, its fresh, its gutter, its street, its thought provoking, its just music, I don't feel like people can honestly box me in with a title. I dont really fit into any box, my sound, my message, my music is deeper than a "label".
What can we expect next from curtains?
More of the same. Just better. More music, more fashion, more shit talking, more creativity, just expect what you been seeing, it only gets better.
Whats cool to curtains?
75 degrees. Ha!

mixtape download:
Renaissance Woman.

World traveler,
Cassi A. Gibson is a true renaissance woman.
Your photo blog,is in my bookmarks and although I cant speak Portuguese, the pictures speak to me. Explain your inspiration?
My inspiration for the blog derives from a feeling similar to an absence and longing... the word is Saudades which is similar to nostalgia in English. The idea is that throughout my work I want to able to tell my story through this feeling (Saudades), and bring that same emotion out of my viewers. When one views my work- I intend for them to experience sensuality, listlessness, wonder, compassion, divinity, longing and curiosity. These are the makings of my experience.
You have the photo blog, the,what other things can we expect from you?
I am very happy to be contributing with, who I recently just started to contribute for. I left Uganda - East Africa 3 weeks ago today, I now reside in San Francisco... which I expect to be fairly busy fairly soon- It's a great city for art so I will flourish here, and start to experiment more with mixed media. I plan to have a photo installation and photo book published in NYC by spring/summer... and writing for an upcoming zine... more to come maybe?
Whats cool to Cassi?
Seeing, hearing and tasting the world from my eyes, ears and appetite. Life is to be savored. muita saudades...

- Cassi "ZAMBEZIA" Gibson
Born in Maputo- Mozambique and having lived all over the "3rd world" from Haiti to Indonesia to Benin and NYC, Cassi's Visas pages are translated into her photo blog.
Renaissance Man.

designer of many capacitys.
classic lo head.
a true Renaissance man.
Aaron Ginsberg.
When i first got a glimpse of your talent, it was when you won at ArtBattles, when did you begin painting?
def before i was 10, i remember i used to draw scary monsters and shit. That shit prolly has some significance or something. later i spent mad weekends at the joe kubert school in dover nj. Fernando ruiz, is a god.
And from your art came the vision of one of my favorite lines Ducksworth, how did the line develop and explain the concept behind it?
Way early on I think i was looking for something else than I am now. It actually wasn't until another noteable downtown designer kinda scared the shit out of me that I started to grind. But I always loved clothes and that aint changed. When I was in middle school, I used to cut up my jean jackets and have different denims and shit all sewn together and id put chains and KISS and GD patches on that shit.
My partner Adam Pasulka (frank151) is a really clever writer and had this knack for putting stuff together, like puzzles. I also have another partner Evan schickel who is a Nuclear Engineer for Westing house. When you work with super-nerds you find that the raw elements of design lie in comfort and engineering. A graphic needs to stand up straight and maintain itself under pressure just like a building or a bridge. That being said I think that the most inspiring thing about a 'graphic' is defiantly NOT what it looks like - BUT- WHERE it is placed in relation to all the other ones. And I like things that are episodic My personal aesthetic is pure consciousness, the tiniest thought in the deepest wrinkle in your brain...thats the vibe. If you are looking for shit to reference in pop looking in the wrong place im sorry.
Also you have the Aaron project in the works, whats the word on that?
Aaron is like one of the more focused brands inside the DW company. Basically all the weird shit that no one else got the balls to attach there names to. They real soft...Im a product sorta, or not me, but the services I provide rather. I'll curate your life if you want.
Whats cool to Aaron Ginsberg?
- A non monetary system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-watersports (that aint a pun)
-Bounty Killer dubplates
- 5 ounce denim
- Archie
-Dice Based RPG's
-Computer peripherals...that YOU can build
-Grateful Dead
-Kush and Haze together
- Arthur Russel

if youre in ny, make sure you hit this.
Monday, February 9, 2009
make u "feel it" like I mispronounced filet
The Top (Music Video) from Francis and the Lights on Vimeo.
francis and the lights.
he did a crazy cover of kanyes cant tell me nothing.
renaissance man

Art.Fashion.Photography. All words that make Phillip, a renaissance man.
Phillip Annand certainly has cultivated a brand that truly takes you on an Award Tour.
Vibrant colors. Refined Artistry.
Look books that display a sense of family are the components that differentiate this line from others.
Take us through the beginnings of the line, how did this all come about?
Like a lot of other people out there, I was first obsessed with the sneaker game, and to support that I started making money painting shirts back when brands like Miskeen were hot. This would be around '04. I got tired of how long it took to complete a custom shirt and looked into screen printing. I had 100 shirts screen printed for my first run and sold out of them in 4 days at school. After I saw that it was viable enterprise it exploded from there into the first collection and kept on growing.
Your own line, your own designs, your own creative vision. What inspires your work?
It might be cliche, but really everything has a part in the inspiration behind the production. Every little thing I come across can speak to me its own way but there are obviously some hall mark things I turn to for continued inspiration. Among those would be Polo (Ralph Lauren), Art Nuveau and Art Deco movements, the great outdoors and
Of course amazing music preferably being played on vinyl.
One thing you and I, have spoken about when discussing both of our projects, has to be the branding. Your branding definitely exceeds your age, yet still holds to your personality. Explain how you came to that?
For myself branding, or really presentation, is the fun part. Putting your personal seal for the general public to digest is the part of the process I savor. That's when you truly get to present your ideas, so when I go about putting out a season, that is what I most look forward to and put the most effort towards. Presentation comes second only to design quality, and the lookbook is the most effective way to carry your message..
I will literally sit around all day brainstorming drifting off in my mind as people talk to me trying to visualize how and where I want to do the next photoshoot.
I have about 6 projects always rotating in my mind and at this point I just don't have the resources to complete them but trust that first and foremost the branding is already complete in my mind hah.
I guess to really answer your question since I just rambled, the branding for Award Tour is the "Phillip Annand" brand. It's a relection of how I lead my life and how I want to portray my clothing. The refined and clean design sense, but the completely and at times ridiculous almost childish playfulness of the blog and design aspects. It's all about bringing the story together and presenting it cohesivly.
Whats next for you and/or The Award Tour?
Global domination or an actual world tour would be pretty deserving endeavors but I'm looking to continue the expansion of the brand. The next season will be sold in Australia, England, Scotland, Germany and the US, I would love to see the list of international comapnies expand in the next few years. Personally I need to graduate from school and hopefully slide into a Creative Directive position somewhere.
Whats cool to Phillip Annand?
Woolenrich Mills. h(y)r Collective. Willie Hutch. Yeasayer. Nielson Dining Hall. Forest Green Moccasins. Handdrawn illustration. Award Tour Ribbed Pull Beanie (Spring 09) Jumping from trees. CTRL. Ife Safia. 7/11 Double Gulps.

Back in 89, I simply slid into place
Buddy, buddy, buddy all up in your face
A lot of kids was bustin rhymes but they had no
-Phife "award tour"
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
so proud.
kimberly is my little cousin
kimberly is my little cousin
lykke li et el perro del mar
missing her show tonight to cover the constantines.
more on that later.
^my 7th favorite site
Im on my UK shit
Watch more YouTube videos on AOL Video
head knees toes jawn
african warrior freestyle
If you never left, get a passport..
in short.
Life is Beautiful is the story of Italian Jews taken to a concentration camp.
In this scene Guido (Roberto Benigni) mis translates the words of this German guard so that his son wont understand the present situation.
when life gives you lemons, make sprite.
the final scene.
prior to this scene he hides his son in this enclave, before being killed.
Watch more Dailymotion videos on AOL Video
they gave me the biggest gift of poverty
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